
I am Akanksha Sharma, Psychological Counsellor, Author & the Founder of Indspire Me.

I write books with the vision of creating positive impact & generating positive ripples of change.

In order to know more about me and my story, head on over to the About section. This section is all about my books. Here are their synopsis and book covers:

1. Stop Making Bad Decisions 


In this book, you will learn about:

1. Decision Making Anxiety
2. Best Thought Level Approaches to Deal with It ( Number 3 is my favourite)
3. Four Keys to Unlocking Good Decisions
4. Exercises you can do with any Writing Tool ( Pen, Paper, Device, App) to improve your Decision Making Skills


Excerpt from Chapter Four on Fears


It is my hope that this book will empower you with all the tools that you need, to ‘Stop Making Bad Decisions’ in your life. I first got the idea for writing a book on Decision Making when I received a tremendous response to the articles I was writing on LinkedIn. People could really relate to the observations that I was posting about Decision Making Anxiety. I started receiving hundreds of messages from individuals who were amazed at how perfectly I was describing their predicament.

An Excerpt from Chapter Seven on Joys


Encouraged by this response, slowly I started writing about other important areas related to decision making and got the idea of making the information comprehensive and cohesive, in the form of an ebook. There are chapters on Decision Making Anxiety, Thought Level Approaches for dealing with it, the Role of Balance in Decision Making, identifying Fears, naming Needs, putting Priorities in order and not forgetting the importance of Joys.

There are exercises that you can do side by side as you read the book. These exercises will help hone your decision making skills. Enjoy the reading journey!

Thank you to all the readers who have given a glowing and positive response to the book. You can check out Amazon reviews of the book and Goodreads reviews as well.

2. Don’t Let the Kitten Drive Car

Don’t Let the Kitten Drive the Car!’ is a heart warming, slice-of-life tale about a ten-year-old girl, Akriti and her pet kitten, Simba. Akriti is like any other school girl, except for the fact that she is visually impaired. Her life is full of both rainbows and dark clouds, as makes new friends and learns how to stand up to the class bullies.

Three month old Simba is a cute, white ball of fluff with a pink button nose. He thinks that he is the most intelligent kitten in the whole world and that humans are not as brainy as cats. Simba’s adorable antics win over the members of the Gupta household. He even manages to melt the heart of crusty old Dadaji, who used to think that cats were a bad omen. Pick up this book and follow the dynamic duo of Akriti and Simba along on their adventures. Peep into their little world as they learn unexpected and delightful lessons from each other.

If you are someone who loves to curl up with a book on a rainy day, then you will love ‘Don’t Let the Kitten Drive the Car!’.

Contact Details

Feel free to write to me at if:

  • You are a reader and would like to share your feelings and opinions about a book
  • You are a librarian and would like a free copy of a book to be added to your library

Work Enquiries

You can also connect with me for collaborations, webinars, workshops and other opportunities.